One worrying trend I have noticed in research over the past few years is the lack of a research brief. This important element of the research...
What makes a great discovery?
'Discovery', 'Understand', 'Explore' – the different organisations I work with refer to this stage of research using different terms, but it’s the...
Diary studies using WhatsApp
I’ve recently used WhatsApp to capture user behaviour that led to some unexpected outcomes for the client and the research participants… When you...
The many forms of user testing
‘User testing’ can apply to a product at any point in its lifecycle and can be tackled in several ways. When I am asked to run user testing, I...
Research without users: The Cognitive Walkthrough
As an experienced UX researcher, send me a user research brief and I will quickly determine the right research methodology to use. Usually this will...
‘Together’ can deliver a powerful focus group experience
Microsoft Teams has quietly gained a foothold in businesses as a reliable tool for video calling with colleagues, but it has amazing potential for...
When to use group user testing
The idea of ‘group’ user testing goes against everything that user testing is designed to do, but research techniques should be adapted to the needs...
Jobs To Be Done
Jobs to be Done has been growing in appeal in recent times. It is a functional and rigorous approach to generating innovation opportunities that...
Ethnographic data collection in the digital era
A great deal of human interactions with brands now take place digitally - so how can organisations stay up to date with thier customers lifestyles?...